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The site https://www.gambamacchine.de/ owned by GAMBA MACCHINE S.r.l. which is configured as data controller, in full compliance with European (European Regulation for the protection of personal data) and Italian (Code regarding the protection of personal data) hereby provides all information, in maximum transparency, on the type and methods of processing the data that this site collects and how it uses them, providing visitors with suitable tools in order to be able to express their will (consent or refusal) unequivocally based on the rule expressed by art. 122 of the (Code regarding the protection of personal data) and in accordance with the indications of the Guarantor Guidelines for cookies and other tracking tools - 10 June 2021

What data do we process here?
While you visit our site with your PC, smartphone or tablet relating to the hardware and software you use, information is collected that you enter on the browser. In this case it will not provide us with personal data, but data of a technical / IT nature. We are talking about cookies that hold various data such as, for example, the name of the server from which it comes, the IP addresses (Internet protocol), the domain names of the computers used that connect to the site, the time slot of the request to the server. and other parameters relating to the operating system and your IT environment.

What are "cookies"?
Cookies are technical tools that record a series of information that you enter on the browser when you browse and visit a website or in case of (use of) social networks (Facebook, etc.) with your PC, smartphone or the tablet.
Each cookie retains various data such as, for example, the name of the server it comes from, the numeric identifier, etc.
This information collects and carries information from a web server to the user's browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) and stored on the user's computer; they are then re-sent to the website at the time of subsequent visits.
Some operations could not be performed without the use of technically necessary cookies.

How long does a cookie last?

  • the cookie can be "a session", therefore it can remain until the browser used for web browsing is closed.
  • the cookie can persist for longer periods

What types of cookies we use on this site?
Technical cookies necessary to perform computer authentication, session monitoring and storage of specific information about your access to a web page. They make browsing faster and easier and facilitate procedures (for example those for online purchases, by authenticating in restricted access areas). Practically, they memorize some information you have provided and avoid you re-entering them when you return to visit the website.

Navigation or session cookies: they guarantee the normal navigation and use of the websitezopim.com

Analytics cookies similar to technical cookies used in order to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site. We will use this information in respect of anonymous statistical analysis in order to improve the use of the site and to make the content more interesting and relevant to the wishes of users. This type of cookie collects anonymous data on user activity and how it arrived on the site. Analytical cookies are sent from the site itself or from third-party domains.

Analytics cookies: similar to technical cookies because they are used to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site itselfGoogle
Analytics with anonymized ip
2 years

Third Party Cookies
This type of cookie integrates functions developed by third parties within the pages of the site such as icons and preferences expressed in social networks in order to share the contents of the site or for the use of third-party software services (such as software for generate maps and additional software offering additional services). These cookies are sent from third-party domains and from partner sites that offer their functionality on the pages of the site:

  • Google Maps.: the interactive maps provided by Google Maps allow you to receive detailed information on the location of the company Gamba Macchine srl. Google Maps makes use of different cookies, at the following links you can find the combined privacy policy of Google, which includes information on the cookies that Google Maps can install: http://www.google.si/policies/technologies/cookies/ and http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en-GB/policies/o
  • Google Analytics” provided by Google is a web analysis service that uses" cookies "that are stored on the user's computer to allow the visited website to analyze how users use it. To consult the privacy policy of the Google company relating to the Google Analytics service, as well as express your consent to the use of the aforementioned cookies, please refer to the website http://www.google.com/intl/en/analytics/privacyoverview.html
Third-party service analysis cookies used in order to collect information on the use of the site by users anonymously such as: pages visited, time spent, origins, geographic origins, age, genders, interests for the purpose of marketing campaigns. These cookies are sent from third-party domains external to the user’s site.albacross.com1

Monitoring Cookies Using Social Plug-In
Plugin: is a program that interacts with another program to expand or extend its original functionality. The most used plugins are those of social networks, which allow, for example, the user to follow a page or a social profile with a click, to indicate with a click that he has liked a web content and to share it on his social network profile, etc .;
Widget: is a graphic user interface component of a program, which aims to facilitate the user interaction with the program itself. The most used widgets are those of social networks, which allow users to open easily in a separate browser window.
The site welcomes the chat service through the Zendesk Embeddables function which allows the use of the "Chat with us" service. We invite information on https://www.zendesk.it/company/agreements-and-terms/privacy-policy//#international-transfer-of-personal-data
Here you will find the information on the treatment of the service providers used:

Website GAMBA MACCHINE S.r.l. a socio unico does not incorporate plugins and/or commands for social networks

Legal basis of the processing
The use of cookies and therefore the processing of data takes place mainly with the consent expressed by users through the choices that can be made in the banner placed at the bottom of the page that appears when the site is visited, The provision of data on consent to the collection and processing of data expresses a right. The consent or any expressed will can be changed at any time (through the function present in the banner at the bottom of the page or the browser settings for cookies).

Disabling cookies
The user can refuse the use of cookies and at any time can revoke a consent already provided; in fact the cookies are connected to the browser used which allows the modification of the choices. Disabling cookies may prevent the correct use of some functions of the site itself (technical navigation cookies) and for any services provided by third parties they may not be accessible, and therefore cannot be viewed:

  • YouTube videos or other video sharing services;
  • Google maps.

Instructions for disabling cookies can be found on the following web pages:
Mozilla Firefox - Microsoft Internet Explorer - Microsoft Edge - Google Chrome - Apple Safari
Se vuoi ancora più informazioni questa pagina è utilissima! : https://www.youronlinechoices.com/it/

Your rights
As an interested party, you have rights over your data as required by the European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) and the national legislation in force, you can exercise these rights at any time, without any form restrictions, here are what they are:

  • request confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning him (right of access of the interested party - Article 15 of Regulation 679/2016);
  • know its origin;
  • receive intelligible communication;
  • have information about the logic, methods and purposes of the processing;
  • request the updating, rectification, integration, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those no longer necessary for the pursuit of the purposes for which they were collected (right of rectification and cancellation - articles 16 and 17 of Regulation 679/2016);
  • Limit or oppose the processing of data concerning him (Article 18 of Regulation 679/2016);
  • in cases of consent-based processing, receive their data provided to the owner, in a structured and readable form by a data processor and in a format commonly used by an electronic device;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (right of access by the interested party - Article 15 of the Regulation 679/2016).

We also provide you with the form which, in case of need, allows you to exercise yours without further formalities by sending it to our email, as well as any information you need and we will proceed to satisfy your requests. Download the model for exercising personal data protection rights here.

This Policy was updated in January 2022 and may be subject to subsequent revisions which we always share on this site


The data controller of your personal data is

GAMBA MACCHINE S.r.l. a socio unico
VAT number 00639540988
Tax code 01581570171
Registered office Via Artigiani 24/32, 25063
Gardone Val Trompia - Brescia
Contacts - Tel: 030831096
Email: info@gambamacchine.it - PEC: gambagiovannisrl@pec.intred.it